
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Salesforce: Multiple ways to add People to Campaign

I think most of Salesforce admin know, Salesforce is huge, there are so many features that we are not aware and further, Salesforce add hundred of features in every release. So, it is good to keep our knowledge up to date.

In this blog, I would like to share on how to add people (Contact and Lead) to Campaign. Most of us only know to add Campaign members from Campaign page. But, there are few more ways:

1. Manually from Contact/Lead page Campaign History related list
From Contact or Lead page layout, scroll down to Campaign History related list, you can add Contact or Lead to a Campaign. This is manual effort to add 1-by-1 record as Campaign member. Make sure to have following permission:
  • “Read” permission on Campaign object AND 
  • “Edit” permission on Contact/Lead object

If your user do not see this button, make sure they have Edit permission for Contact or Lead object in the profile, even user not able to Edit the records, but user need Edit permission for the object.

2. Mass add with Contact/Lead Report
You can add Contacts or Leads from Contact or Lead report, for this option make sure that you or your users have following permissions:
  • Marketing User is checked on the user detail AND
  • “Edit” permission on Campaign AND 
  • “Read” permission on Contact/Lead AND 
  • Run Reports permission
Report should not return more than 50,000 records.

More information here.

3. Mass add using Contact/Lead List View
From Contact or Lead view, you can add multiple contacts or leads, from records return in View, select all or selected records to add to campaign. Make sure to have following permission:
  • Marketing User is checked on the user detail AND 
  • “Edit” permission on Campaign object AND 
  • “Read” permission on Contact/Lead object

More information here.

4. Mass add from Manage Members in the Campaign detail
This is the most common way to add campaign members and mostly used. Make sure to have following permission:
  • Marketing User is checked on the user detail AND 
  • “Edit” permission on Campaign object AND 
  • “Read” permission on Contact/Lead object

Note: to mass enable user with Marketing User in user detail, you can use Data Loader to update User object field UserPermissionsMarketingUser.


Last update: 9 Aug 2016


  1. I'm very interested in what you've described in #4, but unfortunately I do not have a drop down on my "Manage Members" button. Any ideas as to why or how to change it?

    1. Hi Christina, are you system administrator in your salesforce?
