I wrote a blog last month on how to set Lead record type in a Web-to-Lead form, you can use hidden field, for example:
<input type=hidden name="recordType" id="recordType" value="01250000000HkoV">
We can use any field, include Lead custom field as hidden field using same format, but you need to change the name with the correct Field Id.
<input type=hidden name="FieldId" value="any value">
<input type=hidden name="00N30000000h9w3" value="From Website">
Field Id
How to get field id? Go the Setup menu - Customize - Leads - Fields, scroll down and look for the field and click the field name.
For screenshot above, we can easily know the field id for this field is 00N30000000h9w3
This worked for me: input type=hidden name="ID of field" id="ID of field" value="valuename"