Question: do we have Activity tab in Salesforce? or Activity view in Salesforce?
The answer is
YES, but not Out-of-the-box, you need to create it. Here are few options you can create Activity tab / view.
1. Custom Link
I just discuss on
Custom Link in previous blog. So, you can create a new Custom Link and add it into Home Page Components then to Home Page Layout. remember you can create multiple Home Page Components with type = Links with different Links as the need. Create a new Custom Link:
- Set the Behavior = "Display in existing window without sidebar or header"
- Button or Link URL = (change xxx to your Salesforce instance, e.g. na1 or ap1, etc)
So, instead of click tab, user need to click a link in left sidebar. Using this option will save you 1 tab usage, unless you are on Unlimited Edition or Performace Edition, you only can create maximum of 25 tabs for Enterprise, 10 tabs for Professional and 5 tabs for Group Edition.
- You can enable "Show Custom Sidebar Components on All Pages" from Setup - Customize - User Interface to enable each tab showing the same sidebar component.
- You can use as well, this will show view without New Event button or for view without both New Event and New Task button.
2. Web Tab
You can create Web Tab from
Setup - Create - Tabs, Scroll to Web Tabs related list and click New button
But, there is NO option to hide header, so you will see double Salesforce header, this is not a good option, and we need to avoid this option actually.
3. Visualforce Tab
Same with option 2 above, but we need to create a very simple visualforce page (don't be afraid if you are not a Salesforce developer, just copy scripts from below). Go to
Setup - Develop - Pages, click New button, enter the label and name, then copy and paste script below and click Save button.
<apex:page >
<apex:enhancedList type="Activity" height="600" />
Then go to
Setup - Create - Tabs, scroll to Visualforce Tabs related list and click New button, select visualforce page just created in dropdown list to create a tab for Activity.
Note: you need to enable Visualforce page to all Profiles will use this tab or add in Permission Sets for particular users. This will also count to 1 usage of Custom Tab.
If you notice, using visualforce page, you will not see Calendar buttons above Activities view, it only appears when direct access to URL (example: using custom link)
Using both options, you can create and edit View the same as other objects view usage.