
Friday, January 17, 2014

Salesforce: How to modify columns in Recent Object view?

Recent object view is one of the view, most viewed by all Salesforce users by default, because when a user click a tab, Recent object is the default view, unless you modify it. We discussed on how to modify default view in object Tab in previous blog.

So, how to modify the columns Recent Object when user click Object Tab?

1. Standard object (example: Account)
  • Go to Setup - Customize - Accounts - Search Layouts 
  • Click Edit link on Account Tab
  • Select fields to show for Recent Tab

2. Custom object
  • Go to Setup - Create - Objects 
  • Find the custom object and click the object name
  • Scroll down to Search Layouts 
  • Look for object name Tab and click Edit link
  • Select fields to show for Recent Tab

Note: this changes will affected to ALL users, so make sure to communicate with users and approval (based on your company policy)