
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Salesforce: Mass Close Case

In previous blog, we blog about how to close Case in one click. But how to mass close case? Salesforce by default have mass Close Case function, but many of Salesforce users or admins not aware of this function.

It is located in Case List View. So, you can create a List View based on criteria's fit your requirement and mass close case there by select case you or your user want to close them. Here is the step:

Create a List View in Case
Close button should be visible by default.

If for some reason you not see the button in List View, go to Setup | Customize | Cases | Search Layouts |  Cases List View and click Edit link.

Make sure Close [MassClose] is checked.

So, when user click Close button in case list view, a new window will be open for the new Status, Case Reason and Internal Comments (not mandatory), but I do not see if possible to customize this mass Close Case screen.

1 comment:

  1. Just so happen to be looking for this same feature in lightning.
