We can include up to ten fields, but only four of those will appear in the record highlights on a mobile device. The 1st field will be show as title at the top of the page in a larger font than the rest of the page, the 2nd-4th fields will be show under the first field separate with dot.
Sample of Compact Layout setup for a custom object called Kota
This is how it looks like in Salesforce1 app.
Instead of the record name, since we put Type 1 as first field, so Type 1 will be the title.
Few notes for Compact Layout:
- Each record type can have only one compact layout assigned to it. However, a compact layout can be associated with multiple record types, no assignment by Profile in the Compact layout.
- Users who don’t have access to certain fields in Salesforce won’t see them on the compact layout.
- A compact layout must contain at least one field.
- A compact layout can only contain fields from its object. This can include a formula field that is a cross-object reference to another object.
- Removing a field from a page layout doesn’t remove it from the object’s compact layout. The two layout types are independent.
- In the full Salesforce site, compact layouts determine which fields appear in the Chatter feed item that appears after a user creates a record with a publisher action, this will not happen when user create the record from Salesforce website, or even from Salesforce1 app with New button. This also doesn't related to Feed Tracking.