
Sunday, May 6, 2018

Einstein Analytics: License Assignment

So your company purchase X licenses of Einstein Analytics, perhaps with Event Monitoring too. To check the licenses you have acquired, go to Company Information in setup menu.

In Company Information page, scroll down to Permission Set Licenses section.

From above screenshot:
  • Analytics Platform (yellow highlight): this is the license for Einstein Analytic, I have a total of 2 licenses, but 1 used, so remain 1 license.
  • Event Monitoring Analytics Apps (green highlight): this is the license for Event Monitoring, I have a total of 2 licenses, but 1 used, so remain 1 license.

To assign licenses to the user, go to the user detail, you will notice 
  1. Permission Set Assignments (PS)
  2. Permission Set Assignments: Activation Required
  3. Permission Set License Assignments (PSL)
When assigning licenses, you just need to pay attention to PS (1) and PSL (3) only. I borrow a good sample from Trailhead Assign Permissions:
  •  A PSL is like a passport. It grants you the right to travel, but you can’t visit the great land of Analytics without the right visa. 
  • A PS is like a visa. You can get a 3-day tourist visa, a work visa, or a student visa. Each visa type lets you do certain things.
  • Just like a traveler needs both a passport and a visa, your Analytics users need at least one PSL and a PS.
Back to license count, once you assign a user with a PSL, it counts as a license is used. Imagine that your country has a right to issue 100 passport, once a user Mr. X get a passport, as a country, you only can issue another 99 passports for your citizen, no matter if Mr. X apply any visa to USA, UK, or etc. But, for Mr. X to travel to the USA, he needs to obtain a visa, which is Permission Set.

In the real world, user ideally needs to get a passport first (PSL), before applying for a visa (PS). But, Salesforce makes our life as an admin easier, we can grant PS (visa) Einstein Analytics Platform User or Einstein Analytics Platform Admin directly to the user, at the same time, a passport will be issued too (PSL) Analytics Platform.

Now if you check back your license usage, it will mention 2 Analytics Platform has been used. 

Because PSL is required for PS Einstein Analytics Platform User or Einstein Analytics Platform Admin, you cannot delete the license PSL Analytics Platform (passport) before deleting the PS Einstein Analytics Platform User or Einstein Analytics Platform Admin (visa). 

But, when you delete PS from the user detail, the PSL will stay, and will still count to your license usage.

Query License Usage
To understand who is assigned with the PSL, you can do a simple query:
SELECT Id, PermissionSetLicense.MasterLabel, PermissionSetLicense.TotalLicenses, PermissionSetLicense.UsedLicenses, Assignee.Name FROM PermissionSetLicenseAssign

PSEinstein Analytics Platform User or Einstein Analytics Platform Admin
Einstein Analytics Platform User is designed to be assigned to users need to explore dataset with lenses and build dashboards.
Einstein Analytics Platform Admin is designed to be assigned to admin, they will be able to create and customize Apps, Dashboards, Datasets, Dataflows, and Recipes, including Monitor from Data Manager. These users will be able to view all apps in Einstein Analytics, except items stored in My Private App.

Einstein Analytics Platform User Einstein Analytics Platform Admin
Access EA
  • Analytics tab
  • Analytics Studio app
  • Analytics tab
  • Analytics Studio app
Allow creating
  • Dashboard
  • App
  • Dashboard
  • Dataset
View all Apps/data No Yes
Explore Lens Yes Yes
Access Data Manager No Yes (incl. Dataflow & Recipe)


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