computeExpression is one of the most powerful features in Dataflow in computeExpression, you can "add" fields without having to change the source data.
Keywords such as: and, like, case, etc. are case-sensitive.
** You can't use || or OR for the same field, so use IN instead
12. Use && and ! as alternative to get field value - TEXT
case when 'Owner.Name' is null && !('Queue.Name' is null) then 'Queue.Name'
when !('Owner.Name' is null) then 'Owner.Name'
else "N/A"
enduse ! as NOT
13. Simple bucketing - TEXT
when Value == 0 then "[1] 0"
when Value <= 1000000 then "[2] 0-1M"
when Value <= 25000000 then "[3] 1M-25M"
when Value <= 100000000 then "[4] 25M-100M"
else "[5] 100+M"
use <= , < , > , >= for Numeric or Date
14. Get numeric value from field - NUMERIC
when Type_Data is not null and Type__c == "Type A" then Annual_Data
when Type_Value is not null and Type__c == "Type B" then Annual_Value
else keyword is not a must in case, ' is not a must if the field does not contain dot
use and or, but not AND OR
15. Check Neglected Case - TEXT
case when DaysSinceLastActivity >= 60 then "true" else "false" end
16. Check Is Lost - TEXT
case when 'IsClosed' == "true" && 'IsWon' == "false" then "Yes" else "No" end
there is NO BOOLEAN type in Einstein Analytics, so always enclosed wth "
17. Using IN - TEXT
case when 'Opportunity.StageName' in ["Stage 1", "Stage 2", "Stage 3", "Stage 4"] then "true" else "false" end
when AnnualRevenue < 1000000 then "Low"
when AnnualRevenue in [1000000..2000000] then "Medium"
when AnnualRevenue > 2000000 then "High"
q = foreach q generate 'Account.Name' as 'Account.Name', 'Account.Owner.Name' as 'Account.Owner.Name', (case when !('Account.Owner.Name' in ["Adam Lee","David Lee"]) then "Someone else" else "Adam or David" end) as 'Owner Check';
18. Check is Overdue - TEXT
case when ('IsClosed' == "false") && (daysBetween(toDate(substr('ActivityDate', 1, 10), "yyyy-MM-dd"), now()) > 0) then "true" else "false" end
use daysBetween(date1, date2) to return the number of days between two dates; if date1 is after date2, the number of days returned is a negative number.
use toDate() to convert a string or epoch seconds to date -- this sample convert from a string
19. Get Days Overdue - NUMERIC
case when 'IsOverdue' == "true" then daysBetween(toDate(substr('ActivityDate', 1, 10), "yyyy-MM-dd"), now()) else 0 end
20. Check is between 2-30 days - TEXT
(case when date('TIMESTAMP_DERIVED_Year', 'TIMESTAMP_DERIVED_Month', 'TIMESTAMP_DERIVED_Day') in ["30 days ago".."2 days ago"] then "yes" else "no" end)
use date() to return date with input of a year, a month, and a day dimension
21. Check is Yesterday - TEXT
(case when date('TIMESTAMP_DERIVED_Year', 'TIMESTAMP_DERIVED_Month', 'TIMESTAMP_DERIVED_Day') in ["1 day ago".."current day"] then "yes" else "no" end)
22. Check is Past Due - TEXT
case when IsClosed == "false" && (toDate(CloseDate_sec_epoch) < now()) then "true" else "false" end
use toDate() to convert a string or epoch seconds to a date -- this sample convert from a _sec_epoch
23. Duration in Second - NUMERIC
date_diff("second", toDate(ValidFromDate_sec_epoch), now())
use date_diff() to return the amount of time between two dates, the time interval could be: year, month, quarter, date, week, hour, minute, second
24. Check Is Closed - TEXT
case when daysBetween(toDate(ActivityDate_sec_epoch), now()) >= 0 then "true" else "false" end
You also can use date_diff() for the above formula
case when date_diff("day", toDate(ActivityDate_sec_epoch), now()) >= 0 then "true" else "false" end
For more info between daysBetween() with date_diff(), checkout this blog
25. Get days since last activity - NUMERIC
when LastActivityDate is null then daysBetween(toDate(LastModifiedDate_sec_epoch), now())
when LastModifiedDate > LastActivityDate then daysBetween(toDate(LastModifiedDate_sec_epoch), now())
else daysBetween(toDate(LastActivityDate_sec_epoch), now())
26. Get Past Due Date - NUMERIC
case when IsClosed == "false" && (toDate(CloseDate_sec_epoch) < now()) then daysBetween(toDate(CloseDate_sec_epoch), now()) else 0 end
27. Get Opportunity Age - NUMERIC
case when IsClosed == "false" then daysBetween(toDate(CreatedDate_sec_epoch), now()) else daysBetween(toDate(CreatedDate_sec_epoch),toDate(CloseDate_sec_epoch)) end
28. Get Lead Age - NUMERIC
case when ('IsConverted' == "false") then daysBetween(toDate(CreatedDate_sec_epoch), now()) else daysBetween(toDate(ConvertedDate_day_epoch), toDate(CreatedDate_day_epoch)) end
29. Get Case Duration - NUMERIC
case when ('IsClosed' == "true") then ('ClosedDate_sec_epoch' - 'CreatedDate_sec_epoch')/86400 else ('CurrentDate_sec_epoch' - 'CreatedDate_sec_epoch')/86400 end
30. Get Opportunity Age - NUMERIC
when IsClosed == "true" && CloseDate_day_epoch - CreatedDate_day_epoch > 0 then CloseDate_day_epoch - CreatedDate_day_epoch
when IsClosed == "true" && CloseDate_day_epoch - CreatedDate_day_epoch <= 0 then 0
else round((date_to_epoch(now()) - CreatedDate_sec_epoch) /86400,0)
in the above sample, we check:
1). if the opportunity is Closed and Closed Date is after Created Date, then Age = Closed Date - Created Date
2). if the opportunity is Closed and Closed Date is before or equal Created Date, then age = 0
3). if the opportunity is Open, then age = now() - Created Date
Another option to calculate the age for (1) is to use date_diff() function:
date_diff("day", toDate(CreatedDate_sec_epoch), toDate(CloseDate_sec_epoch))
Please note that limitation of the maximum amount of time returned from date_diff() is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 nanoseconds or 106,751.99 days (> 292 years).
use date_to_epoch() converts a date to epoch seconds.
use round(n [,m]) return the value of n rounded to m decimal places, m can be negative.
31. Converting Created Date to PST - DATE
32. Using starts_with(), ends_with, and lower() to compare string - TEXT
when starts_with(lower(Subject),"call") then "Call"
when ends_with(lower(Subject),"call") then "Call"
else "Others"
the one contain full string must be at left, it is case sensitive, so use lower() to help
33. Use matches() for contain - True/False
case when "abcd" matches "abc" then "found" else "not found" end
the full sentence must be at left, this operator is not case-sensitive, requires at least two characters
case when 'Product_Name' matches "cable" then "found" else "not found" end
this will work
case when "cable" matches 'Product_Name' then "found" else "not found" end
this is not allowed with error
Invalid function argument: 'Product_Name', the second operand must be text.
case when !('Product_Name' matches "cable") then "a" else "b" end
! as not
34. Use like() for contain - True/FalseCustomer_Name like "%ni%"
This query matches names that contain "ni" such as Anita Boyle, Annie Booth, Derek Jernigan, and Hazel Jennings.
Customer_Name like "ne%"
This query match returns names that end with "ne".
!(Customer_Name like "%po%")
Use with ! to exclude records. above query shows all customer names that don’t contain "po".
35. Use index_of() to return position a character - NUMERIC
index_of("Hawaii", "a") --> return the first occurrence of "a", starting at the beginning --> result is 2
index_of("Hawaii", "a",1,2) --> return the second occurrence of "a", starting at the beginning --> result is 4
index_of("Hawaii", "a",3) --> return the first occurrence of "a", starting at the third position --> result is 4
The function returns 0 if the search string is not found.
36. Use substr() to return a substring that starts at the specified position - TEXT
substr("CRM", 1, 2) --> 2 characters long, starting at position 1 --> "CR"
substr("CRM", -2, 2) --> 2 characters long, starting from the *end* of the string --> "RM"
substr("Salesforce", 3) --> the first 3 characters --> "Sal"
Use case: find the country of the following San Francisco, CA, United States
substr(fieldname, -1 * (len(fieldname) - index_of(fieldname, ",", 1, 2) - 1))
37. Relative Date filter
CreatedDate >= "LAST_N_DAYS:90"
38. Numeric to Text
In a scenario where you need to use a numeric field for a chart or list widget, you can't do it; unless to convert the field to text.
case when 'CaseHistory.OwnerChangeCount' is null then "00" else number_to_string('CaseHistory.OwnerChangeCount', "00") end
39. Filter by Date
In a scenario, we would like to filter only records with created dates after Sep 1, 2024; we will use dateRange() and put the end date as far as possible.
date(CreatedDate_Year, CreatedDate_Month, CreatedDate_Day) in [dateRange([2024,9,2], [2029,12,31])]
40. Day of the Week
To get which day of the week, the following formula will return 5 for Thursday
41. MOD
MOD or modulo is the remainder when dividing. For example, “5 mod 3 = 2” which means 2 is the remainder when you divide 5 by 3. In Excel would be MOD(5,3) = 2, but in SAQL
5 % 3 ---> 2