
Monday, August 26, 2019

Salesforce: Get Folder Sharing Access

Report and dashboard accessibility are defined in the folder that stores the reports or dashboard, there are 3 levels of access:
1. Manage
2. Edit
3. View

You can share the folder by:
1. Users
2. Roles
3. Roles and Subordinates
4. Public Group
5. Territory (only when Territory is enabled)
6. Territory and Subordinates (only when Territory is enabled)
7. Partner Users (only when Partner community is enabled)
8. Partner Roles (only when Partner community is enabled)
8. Partner Roles and Subordinates (only when Partner community is enabled)
9. Customer Users (only when Customer community is enabled)
10. etc

Here a sample of report folder shared with users, roles, and etc.

If you see from the above screenshot, Group of GM and Staff 2 are from another screenshot, because of sharing window only able to show 5 lines at a time, so if you need to extract the list of users, roles, and etc., you need to get it from metadata.

We can use REST Explorer from Workbench to retrieve this info. Let us walk through step by step:
1. Login to Workbench
2. Select REST Explorer under utilities menu
3. By default, the service would be /services/data/v45.0, click Execute
4. Click on folders: /services/data/v45.0/folders, click Execute
5. Click Expand All link, and search for the folder name, if you can't find it, click nextPageUrl link
6. Or, instead of looking for the report folder, get the folder Id and execute it, e.g.  /services/data/v45.0/folders/00l90000001MUVKAA4
7. Click sharesUrl: /services/data/v45.0/folders/00l90000001MUVKAA4/shares
8. Click Expand All link, now you get the list, but to put it into nice table file would need another effort

Convert JSON to CSV
8. Click "Show Raw Response" link
9. Copy the JSON file to
10. Download the result into CSV file



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


  2. Folder can be any of the below Types, REST API is available for 3,4,5. Do you know how to access 1&2 From the below list.

    1 Document
    2 Email
    3 Report
    4 Dashboard
    5 EmailTemplate
