
Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Einstein Analytics: Use Image as Link

In Einstein Analytics, link by default only offers text. But instead of only text, can we use an image as a clickable link?
Yes, the trick is to use a container then add a link widget on the container, then make the link widget background as transparent and the text as transparent too.

- Add a small container widget with the size similar to image size for the dashboard
- From widget properties, under "Background Image" section, click Upload Image then select an image
- Set the Image Scale and Image Alignment properly

- Add link widget in the container widget added
- Resize the link widget size, to cover the whole container widget
- Set "Link To" to a dashboard or lens or page or URL as needed
- In the "Text Style" section, change the color as transparent, by click Custom and drag the slider to the far left

- Same for "Widget Style", set the Background Color to transparent too, make sure it is "rgba(x,y,z,0)" with the last number is 0.


  1. Hi Johan ,
    I regularly follow your content, it helped me a lot, the dataflow ones are awsome..
    thank you Johan thanks a lot.
    This one is Awsomeeeee..
