
Thursday, April 23, 2020

Einstein Analytics: Parent with and without Child dataflow

This is regarding the parent-child relationship.

So here the needs:
  • if 0 child found --> 1 row
  • if 1 child found --> 1 row + child fields
  • if >1 child found --> number of child row + child fields 

Is there a way to achieve the following in Einstein Analytics dataflow?

In Salesforce, this is pretty easy using a report type:

But, Einstein Analytics is a different story. The granular level should come from an object. However, we always can find ways to get things done.

So here is the solution by Roman Michalik from Salesforce:
  • It's starting at the Child level and giving you one row per child. 
  • Then it's checking for additional parents and adding those parents to the list (with blank child fields).

Here is the sample JSON for dataflow.

Another option is to use Recipe with Left Join.


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